Sunday, September 30, 2012

Place Value Movin' (Freebie)

Does anyone use Expressions to teach math? Our district adopted their basal this year and we are required to follow it. We can't deviate from the text. I'm so sad. I used to LOVE teaching Math in fact I felt like that was where my students did the very best. The main reason I became a teacher is because I love to create. Now I feel like I can't do anything but teach Expressions. I don't mean to dis on it. It is a good program. But I miss teaching math the way I used to. So I guess now I'll have to put my creative juices into creating instead of using them in my own class. :( Can I just say how much I love to teach place value. I have a five year old boy and I really feel like he learns best when he is up and moving. This place value freebie will once again have your kiddos moving around the room. The last place value activity I made did the same thing. If you haven't downloaded it you can download it too. It's also free. I have a couple more ideas up my sleeve for place value too. I'll be making a few more in the next couple of weeks.  

This is the other place value activity if you would like to download it as well. They're both FREE. Just click on the pictures and it will take you to TPT.

Darling Little Learners


  1. I love this activity! I also have a 5 year old (daughter) and she would like this!!
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  2. I love this activity! I also have a 5 year old (daughter) and she would like this!!
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  3. What a cute idea!! My students would love this!
    Where Seconds Count

  4. Thanks for linking up, Rikki! I agree that most students learn better when they're active (moving)! I'm so sorry about the math mandate....I absolutely HATE when teachers are told HOW to teach!! :( Thanks for sharing the freebie!

    Teaching Maddeness

    1. Thanks so much for your sweet comment. I love you comment about how teachers are told how to teach. I totally agree!

  5. Too cute!!! Definitely using this activity in my room!

    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

  6. THANKS FOR SHARING!!! We are going to be one big happy "place value family".

  7. I've called them "clubs" before, but I love the idea of families! Thank you for sharing- I love activities that get my kids moving!

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

    1. I love the idea of clubs too. The students with the necklace could be the president of the club.

  8. Clubs or families...This is a wonderful idea! Anything that gets kiddos up and moving helps them retain the information so much better! I'm so glad I found your blog through this linky! Thanks for sharing!
    Owl Things First!

  9. Very, very cute! Thanks for sharing. Hope you can stop by my blog sometime this week...


    Granny Goes to School

  10. Thank you, thank you, thank you! In the middle of trying not to tear my hair out from my little "don't get it" friends. Can't wait to try these! Sara

  11. Cute idea, thanks for sharing. BTW I just found you and am your newest follower. V ery cute blog!!
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  12. Tooooo cute!!! And, our district is becoming tighter and more rigid, as well. I get the whole fidelity thing, but it's kinda tricky to stay motivated when it's too rigid.
    Growing Firsties!

  13. Love it. Just found your blog through Fourth Grade Flippers giveaway.

    Yearn to Learn Blog


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