We think it is very important to display our student's work. This is such an easy way of doing it. Everyday I choose 5-6 student's best work. I then place it on this bulletin board. They're so excited when their paper makes it to Best In The Hive. Everyday we announce who's paper made it on Best In The Hive. They love being recognized.
After we recognize the student's work they choose a bead from the jars. They put a regular bead on until they get five, then they get to put on a star bead. They love being able to put on a star bead plus it helps them learn to count by 5's :0).
We have each child's name on a heart and their strip of beads. We hook them under the white board.
We use Velcro and paper clips to attach the string of beads. This makes it easy for them to take it off and put it on again. At the end of the year. They take home their string of beads and turn it into a necklace. Some of our students get their whole string full by the end of the year. They LOVE getting beads. It's a huge incentive to do their very best on their papers. All I have to say to get best work in my classroom is: I think this paper might be the one that I display on Best In The Hive. Then they all try to do their very best on it.