We started our plant unit and my students couldn't be more thrilled. Each child got to make a plant person. I got this darling idea from my coworker. Don't you think it kind of looks like a Chia pet?
We've been having a growing race in our classroom between Bill and Betty. When my students think I'm not looking I see them switching the two bowls. Hoping I don't notice that they're secretly moving them around. Every girl in my class wants Betty to win and of course every boy in the class wants Bill to win. We've also started our Mother's Day project. They turned out so cute. Thank goodness for All a Dollar. I found this cute idea here
Just a few permanent markers and plates. I think I'll have a few mom's who are just thrilled. I think they have turned out so stinkin' cute.
I love the one down at the bottom. Look at the hands and they added their two dogs to the picture too. A true animal lover. :)
Have you seen these videos? I had to share. The first one brought tears to my eyes.
How are you celebrating Mother's day?
One last question for you, is anyone else getting some pretty bad comments? I have gotten a few that are just vulgar. Does anyone know how to block them? I hate to put my robot thing back on. I don't even know if that will help. But I can't take the comments. My last post has a HORRIBLE comment :(
One last question for you, is anyone else getting some pretty bad comments? I have gotten a few that are just vulgar. Does anyone know how to block them? I hate to put my robot thing back on. I don't even know if that will help. But I can't take the comments. My last post has a HORRIBLE comment :(