We've been getting ready for spring in our classroom. I don't know about you but I'm loving this spring weather. It has finally started to warm up here in Utah. Today we came up with all the words that reminded us of spring. 
Then we made a class acrostic poem of the word Spring. I found this cute idea on Pinterest. Now I've tried to find my original pin and I can't find it. If anyone knows who came up with this idea. Please let me know so I can give credit where credit is due.
The picture I found was one similar to this but it wasn't an acrostic poem. It was just words that described spring. So I decided to put my own twist on it and turn it into an acrostic poem. Here is the example. The only thing I don't like is I wish the green was behind the orange so it would go in the right order. I just ran out of room. Whoops!!!
Here are my sweet student's work!
I hope your spring weather is as good as ours!