Meet Me......
My family is the most important thing. I love my children so much and I'm so thankful God sent me two of the best kids. I'm seriously the luckiest to get to spend everyday with these people. They make my heart happy.
N will be going to Kindergarten this fall and it really makes my heart happy and sad. As a teacher many of you know that we have to spend our back to school night and SEP's with our own students. I will miss all those special nights with this little guy. It makes me very sad. I won't even get to take him to school on the first day because I'll have to work. :(
I LOVE LOVE LOVE to shop for little girl clothes.... One of my new favorites is Appearel Tree. You can find them on Facebook. They have seriously the cutest stuff. My daughter has this exact outfit and it looks so cute on her. I also plan on having her wear it to the first day of Preschool.
I love headbands too. The bigger the better in my eyes. I love the over the top frilly kind. My husband always says it looks like her whole head is covered but I just find them to be so stinkin' cute. My favorite are Cozette Couture also on facebook. Here's one of my favorites.
Have you seen yonique products. They sell this amazing mascara that makes your lashes look like fake lashes. If you know me. I seriously have no lashes with out mascara. My lashes are white until I put on mascara. This mascara is fabulous. If you're a mascara snob like me check it out.
I love girly things, my last favorite thing is Jamberry nails. If you haven't tried these you should. Can I just say how amazing they are. I have the chevron print ones on right now and they have been on my fingers for three weeks now. No chips, nothing. They look awesome. I'm scared to death of germs. I know great that I chose the teaching profession. I wash my hands constantly so for them to stay on my fingers this long. I'm amazed. If you're looking for a consultant I can hook you up with the gal I bought mine from. They have so many fun prints and even some back to school ones.
Last but not least I'm addicted to candy crush. Don't play it because you will be too.