Was today as C-R-A-Z-Y for you as it was for me? I had students who are never bad, crawling on the floor and doing all sorts of things I have never seen before. I think we all had too much SUGAR!!
Are you wondering what to do with all those left over Valentine's Day cards? Every year I make a big heart and put all the Valentine Cards on it. To show my appreciation for all my cuties! It always makes their day to see their Valentines hung up. I like to hang the heart on my door. So they see it first thing when they walk into the room. It think it's a fun way to display it instead of just throwing them away. :(
This is a little late, but if you're looking for a cute idea for next year. Here is one. Have you ever read this book? I love this book and we read it every year. My kids love it. We usually find someone in the school to surprise with some Valentines love. One of my teammates beat me to the punch she did our principal. I love to do it to our librarian or the literacy coach. Someone that doesn't always get all the treats from the students but is just as special.
Happy Valentine's Day!!!!